Protect senior citizens from identity theft

12 Tips to Help Protect Seniors from Identity Theft

Identity theft is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the U.S.

Right now, more than 15 million U.S. residents have their identities stolen each year, with losses exceeding a total of $50 billion annually.

While it’s true that identity theft can (And does) affect anyone, seniors are at increased risk.

Counter the disadvantages of aging

13 Ways We Can All Counter the “Disadvantages” of Old Age

People have varying impressions of old age.

Some people believe that getting older is a beautiful thing and that it offers the perfect opportunity for people to spend quality time with their friends and loved ones. Some people, however, believe that aging is frightening and that people who are getting older lose their freedom and well-being in the process.

Asking for help in home care

Knowing When it’s Time to Ask for Help in Home Care

Whether a person is elderly or disabled, it can be difficult to know when to ask for help. Societally, we are taught that asking for help is a sign of weakness and a cause for embarrassment. Unfortunately, nothing could be further than the truth. If one of your friends or loved one is facing difficulty due to age or disability,