Clinical ABC Form ABC Report Please enter your Caregiver ID*Please enter your Patient's Admission ID*Patient Name*Clinical ABCDoes your patient have any ABC changes?*-----SELECT-------YesNoMy Patient is:A Acting differently Newly confused, agitated, sleepy Fever or chillsB Breathing differently, or coughing Short of breath or more short of breath than usual New or worsening coughC Change in circulation or skin Increase in swelling of arms, legs, face or belly Change in skin?D Diet changes, not eating or drinking as usualE Elimination or bathroom changes More or less urine, dark, blood, mucus or foul smelling Any diarrhea, or no bowel movement for 3 days?F Fall or feeling pain Fallen or has more difficulty standing or walking Feeling new or worse painG Go take your medications My patient took all of their medications from the end of your last shift until the end of this shift I checked the medication boxActivityDid your patient do Active Range of Motion today?*YesNo Tiptoe Marching Reach Leg lifts Tap dance Core balance Chair riseDid you do pleasurable activities with your patient today?*YesNo Outdoor activities Beauty/pampering Crafts/hobbies/games Socializing Other pleasurable activitiesPatient InfoWhat is your patients highest spirometry reading?*Please enter a number from 000 to 9999.Spirometry Spirometry not takenWhat is your patient's Weight?*Please enter a number from 10 to 999.Weight Patient not weighedWhat is your patients monthly TUGPlease enter a number from 1 to 999.Enter either 1,2, or 3 digits, the first one for minutes and the last 2 for seconds. For example, 1 minute and 30 seconds would be entered as 130TUG TUG not neededΔ